Tuesday, February 16, 2010

An Amazing New Mascara

So...I'm always looking for the miracle mascara. You know the one that can take non-existent lashes to ultimate supermodel fabulousness. Okay, well that has really EVER happened (shocker I know), and I have become somewhat jaded towards most make-up advertising as a result (hello...no such thing as stiletto lashes with out the fakies) . HOWEVER, I have randomly found a mascara that has truly worked wonders for me.

It's called "Lights, Camera, Lashes," by Tarte. I found at Sephora in their Lash line-up display.One of the best features of the mascara is the wand. Many, and I really mean MOST, brands claim to lift and separate lashes, but ultimately just clump with gunk. The wand on "Lights, Camera, Lash," really does lift and separate. In fact, I have not used my lash separator since using this product.

This mascara will cost you around $16.00 dollars and comes in brown, black/brown and black. I easily found it Sephora, but I'm sure it's located elsewhere.


  1. So would this help me? Remember how we talked about how my high cheeck bones over shadow my eyes and in pics/on camera my eyes look squinty.... I hope that made sense. Anyway, would good mascara make my eyes pop?


  2. Lil...absolutely! A good mascara will help your eyes stand out.
